Following our New Blood blog post, we recently read about an innovative graduate exhibition campaign from Berghs School of Communication over on CR. In case you missed the story here's a quick summary to something which we all found inspiring, not matter how much experience we had.
Every year art and design graduates hold an exhibition to present final year work and to communicate with industry. This May Berghs students based their exhibition on the theme 'the fear of failure', with the aim to equip students with a new perspective on failure.
The students approached prominent design figures and asked them to record messages/advice on the theme using webcam. The results are below. The most influential and inspiring of these - you'll have to agree - is Milton Glaser's response, who discusses simple life lessons for 8 mins, well worth a watch!
Paulo Coelho – on the fear of failure. from Berghs' Exhibition '11 on Vimeo.
Stefan Sagmeister – on the fear of failure. from Berghs' Exhibition '11 on Vimeo.
Wally Olins – on the fear of failure. from Berghs' Exhibition '11 on Vimeo.
Milton Glaser – on the fear of failure. from Berghs' Exhibition '11 on Vimeo.

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